Appletree Learning
3090 Bloor St W, Etobicoke, ON M8X 1C8
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Meet the owner

This is the mantra of Appletree Learning, a private tutoring centre for children from kindergarten to grade nine. Founder Raegan Hornby had worked as a special education teacher for more than 30 years before opening Appletree. She worked for both private and public school boards, but always found herself drawn to helping children who were not thriving in the regular school system.

Frustrated at the inability to address the needs of these students in a traditional school system, Raegan decided to open her own tutoring centre, starting in her living room and later expanding to a storefront in Toronto’s west end.

“Our students generally are very bright and highly creative, often very gifted in sports, art, music or dance," says Raegan. "Although they are very bright, they may struggle with reading, mathematics, written language, organization and time management.”

Appletree Learning has been open for business in its current Kingsway location since 2010 and is now co-owned by Raegan and her business partner Lisa Sabino.

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