For many, there’s nothing quite like the taste of a good cigar. Stogie lovers in Vancouver are spoiled, having numerous stores to choose from that sell delicious Cuban cigars, and other Central American brands. This list of great cigar shops in Vancouver will help get you stocked up.
City Cigar boasts the largest cigar selection in Vancouver and has been providing premiere cigars to Vancouverites for over 15 years. The friendly, expert staff and rustic ambiance of City Cigar will make you feel perfectly at home as you pick out just the right cigar for that special event. You’ll also find plenty of economical and upscale versions of cigar accessories here, including humidors and cigar cutters.
When you're downtown and have a hankering for a delicious Cuban cigar, look no further than 2000 Cigars. They carry the top brands of both Cuban and non-Cuban cigars and offer the kind of friendly service that will make you feel at home, regardless of your experience level. Their cedar-lined, temperature-controlled humidor is one of the largest in Vancouver – a must-see for any cigar lover.
Alpha Tobacco House of Cigars has an impressive, affordable and quality selection for Vancouver cigar smokers to choose from. This West End gem is one of Canada’s largest retailers of Cuban cigars and sells over 200 varieties from around the world, including the Dominican Republic and Honduras. This shop’s great location allows you to enjoy your cigar as you take in the views from Stanley Park and English Bay.
Tucked away in historic Gastown, Cigar Connoisseurs is a Vancouver institution for Cuban cigars and accessories. The walk-in humidor is packed with a sophisticated selection of Cuban cigars to satisfy your more upscale tastes. The staff here is famously dedicated to the store’s philosophy of educating the wider public about cigars, so you’ll always leave the store raving about the exceptional customer service.
Located in Yaletown, Revolucion is a great source for cigars, not to mention unique and functional gifts for the aficionado in your life. The shop brands itself as a men’s lifestyle store for the guy who has everything, and their cigar selection features elegant, classic and upscale varieties. Whether you’re new to cigars or a seasoned pro, the owners and staff here are welcoming and will help you find the cigar, wallet or cologne for you or your partner.