A guide to preparing a baby wish list

November 26, 2014

A birth list is a lot like a wedding list or registry, but for you and your new baby. It’s a great idea to have a birth list because friends and family members will likely be happy to help out with buying necessities, but they’re not mind readers. It makes a lot more sense to let them know what you would like rather than leaving it up to them and possibly getting 200 pairs of frilly socks you’re never going to use.

Read on for your guide to creating a baby wish list:

A guide to preparing a baby wish list

Choose the software or store you will use to create your list

There are several options you can turn to for creating baby wish lists, from baby stores that offer this service, to online wish list programs, to simply opening a new document on your computer and starting to type. There are two things to keep in mind:

  1. The list needs to be easily shareable, either by email or by some other electronic means.
  2. There should be a way people can reserve or indicate which items they are getting. That way, you won’t end up with four cribs (which would not be useful, unless you’re having quadruplets).

What to put on your baby wish list

This is entirely your choice. Some people choose to put only the things they absolutely need on the list, such as onesies and crib sheets. Other people use their wish lists for more of the things they’re hoping for, but don’t necessarily need, such as a baby food maker and newborn ballet slippers. Other people put a mix of items.

One thing the people in your circle will appreciate is if you put items that vary in price, so regardless of someone’s budget, he or she can find something that works for them on your list. If you’re looking for ideas and suggestions of baby items, you can find plenty of examples of baby registries online.

Getting the word out by sharing your list

It can be a bit awkward to tell people you have a wish list going of things you would like to receive. But the reality is, you’ll be happy you let people know. Of course, if you aren’t comfortable telling people yourself that you have a list, there are ways around this. One common solution is to ask your best friend or someone in your family to send out an email to everyone whom you think might be interested in buying you something.

Don’t forget, the people who care about you want to buy you gifts. So do everyone a favour and create a list that will ease welcoming your newborn into the world.

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