Enrolling in daycare services can be time-consuming and make you want to bang your head against a wall. Before it ever gets to that point, here are some hints to help you secure a place for your child.
December 10, 2014
Enrolling in daycare services can be time-consuming and make you want to bang your head against a wall. Before it ever gets to that point, here are some hints to help you secure a place for your child.
Enrolling your children in daycare can be a lengthy process. In many areas, the spots in the best and least expensive daycares get snapped up right away.
Fortunately, in some parts of Canada there are online waiting lists that help you save valuable time.
Before you can start thinking about waiting lists, however, you first need to find a daycare. That task is not always easy, especially if your children have special needs or if you have an atypical work schedule. Consider the two main types of childcare and decide which you're most comfortable with:
Childcare services and waiting lists may seem inseparable, but just because the process is long doesn’t mean it’s a complicated one. In short, you just need to get on the ball and start signing up on waiting lists early.
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